Thank you Andreas for this fantastic lens!

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May 26Liked by Northern Spirit House

Thank you Andreas. I've been tracking the rainbow serpent as a core mythological figure for my work for some years, including a map that was given that I've worked with when leading vigils. I'm grateful to continue to learning.

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Thats great John, much to unpack there. Looking forward to hearing much more about it.

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This is a great analogy and connection between dragons and rainbows. Dragons are indeed a bridge between worlds. Between the elements and cosmic forces of creation. They are beyond creation as they exist outside of time, they were here before and after world's were created. They are elemental beings as well as rainbow beings. In the stories of Mishipeshu I have been working with, the water and earth great dragon of the Great Lakes and Rivers of North America, Canada and Ohio Valley, he is also the final bridge the souls of the dead have to cross over the river to the Land of the Ancestors. An echo of the rainbow bridge.

The ancient serpent and Mishipeshu serpent mounds of Ohio are the earth connecting with stars. Again symbolising the relationship between the skyworld and the earthworld, and the underworld.

Similar to the connection that where eagle and snake meet there lies dragon wisdom. The bridge between earth and sky.

Then there is the great feathered serpent Quetzecoatl who I have encountered many time across México. Although not a rainbow serpent he is still the bridge between worlds and elements.

Dragons exist beyond time and space and they are indeed a universal power.

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Wonderful! Many thanks, Andreas.

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