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Techno-Animism: Restorying Relations with the More than Human World

Northern Spirit House Podcast Episode 1 with Tyler Daneman

Laying the foundation for a second episode with Tyler Daneman, where we will discuss the use of AI in the casting of spells, generation of sigils, and experiments in channeling disembodied entities through chatbots we are re-sharing this conversation from last year on Techno-Animism. In a time that is marked with the increasing complexity of technologies, intelligent and otherwise, there are important questions to be asked about the animacy of these beings. Is our animism a stylish suit we can take on and off at will leaving out that which doesn’t fit with our values, or aesthetic tastes? Or indeed is it a much more troubling ontology that asks us to engage with the potential livingness, and undeniable agency of all things asking us to change not only how we think about Techne, but also how we practice and live with these beings.

Welcome to the Northern Spirit House Podcast. Our first guest is ritualist, scholar, and sanctuary of the strange Tyler Daneman. The dialogue covers much ground but weaves around the central node of Techno-Animism. What kind of world is possible when we engage with the beings of the world, including our technologies, acknowledging their aliveness?

Tyler points out that all beings must be fed, and in the absence of a ritual culture of feeding the Goddess Techne (Technology), we have ended up feeding of our time and attention. What kind of relationality might be possible if we offer technology a different kind of meal?

Tyler asks us all to step into the crucible of these hard questions in a time when AI, and proliferation of other technologies are being cast as the Grendel at the door of our humanity. With a heart and ethic of compassion what might happen if we invite Tech into the glow of fellowship, building a relationship of allyship and heart? It is truly a rich and bizarre alchemy.

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Northern Spirit House - A New Hearth from Old Embers
Northern Spirit House Podcast
An occasional publication on myth and magic from the Old North