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Magic and Weaving Relationships with Erik Ohlsen

Northern Spirit House Podcast Episode 2

On today’s episode Chaise speaks with Erik Ohlsen. Erik is a Permaculture teacher, an author, herbalist, storyteller, and practitioner of Nordic magical traditions. He is the founder of  Permaculture Artisans and The Permaculture Skills Center.

Since 2000 Erik has worked with the Reclaiming Tradition, mentored under a Swedish Galdrakarl gathering the living traditions of ancient Norse galdr and authentic rune lore and he has spent years mentored under a globally recognized teacher of a Nordic Magical Folk Tradition called Trolldom.

In their conversation they speak about building a magical practice that is centered on relationships. We deep dive into how relationship with ancestors and relationship with the earth are core wellsprings for the magical life. We hope that you enjoy the episode.

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Northern Spirit House - A New Hearth from Old Embers
Northern Spirit House Podcast
An occasional publication on myth and magic from the Old North